Tag Archives: Superman

Pay-Per-Click or Display Advertising: Which Is Better?

28 Nov

It is one of the age old questions in life, much like who would win in a smack-down between Batman and Superman or which would be better, invisibility or the ability to fly? Whereas these have very obvious answers (Superman & invisibility) the question of whether Pay-Per-Click or display advertising will take a little more discussion.

I told you already....PPC is the best!!!

I told you already….PPC is the best!!!

So what are the benefits of each type of advertising? Obviously they are many and varied. CEO’s do not want to part with their money unless they are reaping some reward and, like many things in life, the success of your strategy depends hugely on the outcome you are hoping to achieve.


In the red corner: PPC advertising! This can be a hugely effective and cost efficient form of advertising. It is based around the principle of knowing exactly what your target market is and buying up advertising space around keywords in, most notably, Google Adwords.

PPC advertising around Plumbers in Cork

PPC advertising around Plumbers in Cork

PPC Key Strengths:

  1. There is a very broad reach with this kind of advertising, you are not relying on prior knowledge of your company but acting on the need for the service you provide. Anyone who is looking for your service should find your business.
  2. It is very accurately targeted. You will not appear on completely irrelevant searches
  3. It is cost effective; you pay only when there is a click through to your website.
  4. PPC is extremely measurable. The use of Google Analytics can really help you refine your advertising and ensure you are targeting the right markets.
  5. There is an extra measure of control over what you produce. The ad will send you to a website that you are free to deign in anyway. You are not confined by the advertising space you can afford.


And in the blue corner we have Display Advertising. This kind of advertising is hugely effective for gaining awareness for a campaign or product launch. It is used for attaining a profile for the product or service you are producing. It mostly consists of static images and web banners but increasingly interactive banners are being used containing video and audio elements.

Display Advertisng

Display Advertisng

Display Advertising Key Strengths:

  1. Display advertising is very effective creating brand awareness. If you have a new product on the market the exposure of this kind of advertising is hard to beat.
  2. You acquire a very direct response with display advertising. If the consumer likes it then they’ll click on it.
  3. Conversion of interest to sales is very high.
  4. It is also a very good way of generating leads for future sales. Again, awareness of the product is helped hugely by the advert appearing in suitable places around the web.
  5. Display advertising is hugely adaptable to Social Media which is a huge consumer market.


IT’S A TIE! As so often happens in heavyweight bouts the honours are even. Both forms of advertising have their strengths, it is up to the company to figure out which suits their campaign best. Generally PPC is very effective for services and appliances. Services like plumbers and electricians do not need to pay for constant advertising, when they are needed people will search for them.

Garry wanted a full page banner ad....he was advised against it

Garry wanted a full page banner ad….he was advised against it

On the other hand Display advertising is dominant when it comes to campaigns such as new product launches, informative campaigns and anything that the public won’t already have knowledge of. The interactivity of display advertising can also be an ace up the sleeve for display marketing.

Coming soon: Godzilla Vs. Garry the Plumber (Pictured above)

Google youTube video explaining Google Adwords


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